Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coal Banks Trail

April 10, 2009 I visited the Indian Battle Park and walked the Coalbanks Trail.
It was a warm spring evening. First I walked north. I observed a robin along the trail. The first one that I have seen this year. The trail is an easy walk but there are more difficult walks if a person chooses to climb the river breaks. The Coalbanks Trail is an asphalt trail and is shared by bicyclists, joggers and walkers. The Coalbanks Trail goes north as far as the Highway 3 bridge. Beyond that there is a sign saying 'Private Property'. Walking north I passed under the Highlevel Railway bridge. This bridge was built in the early 1900s. It is really big. Here is a link that tells about the bridge.
I returned back south along the bank and gravel bars of the Oldman River. This part of the walk was reminiscent of when I lived in Medicine Hat and I would wander along the South Saskatchewan River. The walk took me trough Cottonwood trees and a Thorny Buffaloberry understory. Under the railway trestle I observed two large beaver repeatedly slapping the water with their tail. Also, of course, there are a number of Canada Geese.
I continued along the river to the Woopup Drive bridge where I returned to the Coalbanks trail. As I continued south on the trail it passed by the Lethbridge Police firing range. There are some sort of concrete water gates that the trail passes over. This is quite an interesting walk, in my view of it. I took the left fork in the trail and ascended the river breaks up to Scenic Drive. I ended my walk at my daughters place. This was a leisurely walk for me.

Just under 2 hours
About 6.5 Km

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