Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blackfoot Lake Area

Total Distance as of April 24, 2011: 169 km

April 23, 2011
Blackfoot Lake Rec. Area, solo day hike.
On Heron Hollow Trail. Grouse tracks then flushed a Ruff Grouse just before the park fence. Also I must have flushed a moose out of the bush because I observed it's tracks in the snow coming out of the bush and going away from me. At the park boundary it turned and went north along the fence. I turned south toward Blackfoot Lake. Also heard two Red Squirrels early on in my walk. Observed Robins and Canada Geese throughout the day.
10:15 observed Heron colony. 4 or 5 Canada Geese perched on the nests. Was walking along the shore and I saw a Great Blue Heron flying toward the colony. It landed about half way up in a central tree. I observed it through binoculars as it worked on building its nest. I have never observed a Great Blue Heron building it's nest so this is a first. I watched for a bit and then moved on further west and then a second Great Blue Heron flew in and landed near by. I could not determine if they were a breeding pair but I am assuming that they are. As I walked more to the west end of the lake I saw 2 swans. They were engaged in their courtship ritual. There was a third swan further to the west on the lake. 3 swans are all I saw. There were a number of other ducks on the lake including goldeneyes.
I crossed the fence into Elk Island National Park and walked south along the park fence. I saw fresh bison and moose tracks. When I got to the SE corner of the park there were fresh tracks in the softening snow. Beside the tracks was something that looked like a beetle. I took a photo and then rolled it over and I realized that it was a bloated tick. When I saw the moose tracks earlier in the day I had noticed small amounts of blood in the snow and now I understood where the blood was coming from. The moose must have ticks on them and they are rubbing against anything they can to get the ticks off. This moose had just rubbed against the park fence and consequently dislodged the bloated tick that was laying on the snow. There must be a little bit of bleeding when the ticks are dislodged and hence the blood in the snow. About this time of day, early afternoon , I saw a few Morning Cloaked Butterfies. For the most part all trails are covered by a very packed snow cover. Walking in the morning the snow was frozen but by the time I finished my walk, about 2 pm, the snow was softening. There were a few places where I could walk along the edge of the trail on bare ground. Last year I observed a frog on April 22 in this same area but on this walk I did not see or hear any frogs.

Total distance: 11.6 km
Moving time: 3 hours 54 min
Stopped time: 1 hour 50 min
maximum elevation: 2418 ft

April 20, 2011
Walk, Mill Creek Ravine with Doran.
Started at 95 street and 86 ave. Walked down into the ravine and followed the creek to the north end where it then goes under ground.
It is apparent that the main flood event is past as most of the creek is now open water and there is significant silt deposits on the shore ice.. There is however, some areas where the creek is still covered with ice. There is still a significant amount of snow in the tree areas and on the trail.

Total distance: 3.8 km
Moving time: 1 hour 13 min

April 12, 2011
Walk, east shore North Wabasca Lake, Solo.
This was kind of a spontaneous walk. I was told there was a cross country ski trail maintained at Fisherman's Wharf. Since it had snowed some the night before I went to see if there might be a chance for a ski. Skiing was not possible so I went for a walk instead. I started out on a vehicle track and then I walked the shore line. Crossed an iron spring. I came to a sandstone cliff. There was a remainant of a crucifix panted on the cliff so I climbed up to check it out. I continued on around the shore to the point on the lake. On my way back I walked along the top of the cliff. There is a lot of brush that makes the walking difficult. I came to a place with ribbons and fabric tied to 4 or 5 trees. This is similar to other native ceremonial sites that I have seen. I picked up my requisite bag of plastic and metal garbage from along the lake.

Total distance: 5.7 km
Moving time: 2 hr 19 min
Stopped time: 53 min
430 ft. Total ascent.
2245 ft max elev.

April 3, 2011
walk in the river valley with Doran.
Started at the Legislature Buildings and walked west along the river to 149 street and back to about 99 street and then to the LRT station on 130 st.

Total distance: 15km

April 1, 2011
Urban walk to Safeway
Total distance : 3.8 km
Total time: 45 min.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Riverlot 56 Natural Area

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Riverlot 56 Natural Area

March 31, 2011

I discovered another Natural Area yesterday and it is within the City Limits of St Albert.

Apparently volunteers groom the cross country ski trails on this Natural Area so I tried it out. By yesterday evening the snow was quite soft so I decided to go skiing early this morning. Morning was a good time to go because the snow was solid and the trail was fast. There are a lot of foot prints on the trail indicating that the trails get a lot of pedestrian traffic as well. In fact I met one jogger during my ski. There are a couple of steep inclines on the trails which gave the track a bit of a challenge for a skier like me.

There are a lot of information sign post on the trails. I would say that this is one of the better maintained Natural Areas but then it is pretty much in an urban area.

I saw a couple of snowshoe hares and a red squirrel as well was some sign of a porcupine. There is a sign posted at the entrance that says "leave your pets at home" but judging from the tracks not every visitor complies with the request. There are a lot of dog tracks on the trail.

It was a pleasant surprise to find a groomed ski trail so close to an urban area.

Anyway the stats for this ski are:

Total distance 3.56 km
Moving Average 3.9 km/hr
Moving time 55 min

Later in the day I drove out to the Flying Shot Lake trail in Elk Island Park. I didn't walk far down that trail before I encountered a Bison. I found the trail has a considerable amount of snow cover, there is no ski track so walking it would likely be the best option and snowshoes would be advisable for a few more days at least.

Then I drove to the Blackfoot Lake Recreational Area. It was mid afternoon and the snow had softened quite a bit. There is still a visible ski track on the Whitetail and Gasline trails. I just hiked them as the snow was still firm enough to walk the trail.

Distance covered was about 2 km in about 45 min.